Chanakya Neeti In English – Chapter One

Chanakya Neeti In English - Chapter One

Chanakya Neeti In English – Chapter One

Do not inhabit a where you are not respected, cannot your livelihood, have no friends, or cannot acquire .
Chanakya Neeti In English - Chapter One

A wicked wife, a false friend, a saucy servant and living in a house with a serpent in it are nothing but death.

One should save his money against times, save his wife at the sacrifice of his riches, but invariably one should save his soul even at the sacrifice of his wife and riches.

English Translation of Chanakya Niti - Lesson 1
 Even a pandit comes to grief by giving instruction to a foolish disciple, by maintaining a wicked wife, and by excessive familiarity with the miserable.

Save your wealth against future calamity. Do not say, “What fear has a rich man, of calamity?” When riches begin to forsake one even the accumulated stock dwindles away.

Do not stay for a single day where there are not these five persons: a wealthy man, a brahmin well versed in Vedic lore, a king, a river and a physician.

He is a true friend who does not forsake us in of need, misfortune, famine, or war, in a king’s court, or at the crematorium..

Wise should never go into a country where there are no means of earning one’s livelihood, where the people have no dread of anybody, have no sense of shame, no intelligence, or a charitable disposition.

Examine the servant when he is not following the duty, then examine the relative when you are in , do a friend’s exam in the opposite conditions, and when your time is not good, then examine the wife.

Chanakya Neeti In English - Chapter One | Chanakaya Niti Shastra in English - Chapter 1
Do not put your trust in rivers, men who carry weapons, beasts with claws or horns, women, and members of a royal family.

A wise man should marry a virgin of a respectable family even if she is deformed. He should not marry one of a low-class family, through beauty. Marriage in a family of equal status is preferable.

Women have hunger two-fold, shyness four-fold, daring six-fold, and lust eight-fold as compared to men.

Chanakya Neeti In English – Chapter One | Chanakaya Niti Shastra in English – Chapter 1 | English Translation of Chanakya Niti – Lesson 1.